Get Lucky with the new St. Patrick's Day Items! Besides that some minor improvements for the UI were added.
There are new St. Patrick's Day Items during March available from the shop.
There are new Carnival Items, which give you some opportunities to dress up.
The new Costumes are now single items for each equipment slot and no Polymorph effect like the Valentine ones.
Real-Money Shop for Android now has adjusted prices, so that they align with the regular one.
Optimized rendering of the names and life-bars which are displayed above players and also rendering of scrolling status texts.
Added a reset button for the Name Scaling option.
Items which can't be used now show up as on cooldown in quickbar.
Added display of the shortcut for each quickbar slot in the quickbar.
Status Text for "On Cooldown" was removed.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug with sending gold through mail.
Fixed a bug where Duel service messages got categorized as Party service messages.
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