The respawn times for the startquests items and those of the mobs have been significantly reduced.
New calculation of groups XP. Players now get more XP when playing in a group than before.
The T-Shirt at the Farshore Inn now has the right colour on the ground (blue)
Players who have a significantly lower level than an opponent now get less XP
In all large villages there are now new traders
You can now also buy Stein.Accounts for Gems at special merchants
A new language has been added: Polish - incomplete
Added a new Error-Message for WebGLRenderer errors
Start dialog of an NPC is now skipped if there is only one following option
Full Account is now called Stein.Account because the old name has led to confusion
The chat was limited to 256 characters.
A help button was added in the Professions window
There is now a language selection in the options
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a Bug with the quest "Mysterious Jewelry"
Players who are webbed can now rotate their character
The chat no longer resets its position while scrolling when a new message arrives
Quests items are now properly updated in the quest log when you trade them
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